Let's Speak Vietnamese
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1. Introduction to Project Based Learning
2. Direct Instruction is still necessary in a PBL Classroom
3. Project Based Learning Resources for Teachers
3. Samples of other PBL projects for world language classrooms:
Welcome to my school/university (project from https://my.pblworks.org/)
Specific audience of this project can be parents of international students from Vietnam.
Video tour can be in only Vietnamese instead of bilingual
5 Awesome Authentic Spanish Projects Your Students Will Cheer for (of course, these PBL can be adapted to your Vietnamese courses)
4 Foreign Language Project Ideas (these class projects can be revised and adapted to be PBL projects)
Web 2.0 Tools for both students and teachers
4. Let's Speak Vietnamese & PBL projects
LSV - Chapter 11 - Weather, Climate, and Holidays: Tết Nguyên Đán
Final products of this PBL can be modified and adapted to class level
LSV - Chapters 15 & 16 - Transportation; Accommodation: My first trip to Vietnam ALONE